3 Hair Hacks For Time-Poor New Moms

22 August 2017
 Categories: , Blog


Becoming a mother is an exciting and life changing milestone for most women. Along with the joy that a baby brings to your life, you may also find yourself struggling with the demands and responsibility that caring for a tiny newborn. Often, time poor moms find that they have little time for themselves and beauty routines that were once considered essential become things of the past.

Taking your time to get your hair looking perfect is one of the self-care tasks that often gets neglected, yet it may be an important part of feeling and looking your best and ready to face the day ahead. To streamline your beauty regime and start your day with confidence, here are three mom hair hacks that will help you:

1. Get a low-maintenance cut

Hair care for moms starts with the basics and a simple yet stylish cut is a great foundation. Contemporary hair styles such as the lob, or long bob, look modern and fashionable but are easy to care for and require very little styling.

The great thing about this type of haircut is that it will look great whether you have time to wash, blow dry and straighten it or whether you need to simply wash it and let it dry naturally. It's also short enough to not require lengthy drying but long enough to pull back in a cute ponytail if you're in a rush.

2. Get a flattering color

Hair color that flatters your skin tone is important for everyone. For new moms who may be feeling tired, pale and less than vibrant, the right hair color is even more vital. A professionally applied hair color can help to complement your skin, lift your face, and make you feel a little fresher even after many nights of too little sleep.

The hair color you choose doesn't have to be a dramatic change to make a difference. A few well placed highlights, particularly around the face and crown. This works really well if your hair is naturally dark which can make a weary face look even more washed out.

3. Get some dry shampoo

Dry shampoo may well become your new favorite beauty product as a time poor new mom. This shampoo comes in a spray can and is applied directly to dry hair to soak up excess oil. It's then brushed out, leaving your hair looking fresher and cleaner instantly.

Dry shampoo shouldn't replace your normal washing routine and overuse could be less than optimal for your hair's condition. However,  it's a great life saver when you simply don't have time to wash, dry, and style your hair but don't want to head out for the day with dirty, greasy hair.

Contact a salon like Five60 Salon for more information and assistance.